Wiener Schule für Kunsttherapie

10. April 25, 18:30 - 21:00



Family Art Therapy, working with all, or some members of a Family.

What do they say through their images?


Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses creative activities to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being. For families, it can be an invaluable tool for enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, fostering a sense of unity and also helps to strengthen their bonds, improve communication, and foster emotional well-being.

Family art therapy allows all generations to have an equal "voice" through art expression. Guttman (op. cit. Manicom & Boronska, 2003)

In this workshop we will discuss about Art Therapy used with all the members of family, we will go through some cases and also experience a workshop. 


Leitung Paola Partsalaki


Artist, Special Educator of Arts, MSc Art Psychotherapy, MSc Adults’ Education, has a background in Art and in art teaching in Special Education Vocational School for adolescents for over than 20 years.   She has been trained in Art-Psychotherapy at Art Psychotherapy Center in Athens Greece and as an Adults’ Educator in the Open University of Cyprus. Lately she has been successfully graduated as a Creative Supervisor for Therapists by the Athyrma and Connective Drama training.

Paola Partsalaki has worked in the field of Art Therapy with groups of patients with Alzheimer disease, Multiple Sclerosis, children and adolescents with mental retardation, different disabilities and in the spectrum of Autism. She is having her private practice dealing with children, adolescents and adults with problems in their everyday living.  She works with mothers and children and the whole family, to improve the bond and the relationships within the family.

 She teaches Art Therapy in Greece (Art Psychotherapy Center, ICPS College) and abroad and also supervises the students in placement in Art Psychotherapy Center in Athens Greece. She works also as a Creative Supervisor.

Paola is a co-author in two chapters in “The Contribution of Psychotherapies through Art to Psychiatric Therapy” collective work, Vita medical edition.

Full member of the European Federation of Art Therapy-EFAT. Co-Chair of EFAT's Professional Development Committee.Acredeted Member of EAP.


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Für Student:innen der WSK können 1,4 EH Theorie und 1 Einheit Selbsterfahrung angerechnet werden


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